The Hero follows an aging Western icon facing an out-of-the-blue cancer diagnosis. You might recognize Lee Hayden (Sam Elliott) from the 2018 remake of A Star is Born (only this time, he’s the star). But, when she falls in love, the delicate balance she’s worked so hard for begins to unravel. After nearly 80 years, Adaline has mastered the art of starting over and assuming a new identity. After a freak accident nearly killed her, Adaline simply stopped aging. Emotional Movies The Age of AdalineĪdaline Bowman (Blake Lively) is 29 years old…forever. Lean into what you’re feeling and enjoy the release of a good cry with some of the best tearjerkers streaming now. It’s not easy, but that’s where growth and healing happens.
Sometimes we need to feel our feelings even when they’re not fun to feel - sadness, heartbreak, and grief included. If you’re looking for some sad movies to make you cry, you’ve come to the right place (and we applaud you for doing so).