Gay male porn star jake orion

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Orion is now claiming that he’ll be “compensating” fans by giving them access to solo videos already published on his website, but that’s obviously not what the fans paid for. If Orion wanted to truly “compensate” fans, he’d issue them full refunds, but that’s obviously never going to happen. Orion also says that he’s going to “go out and find a gay individual” to film the sex tapes with, but we all know that’s never going to happen either. As you can see below, Orion has altered his pre-order page, changing “Jake Orion Topping Vadim Black” and “Vadim Black Topping Jake Orion” (as seen in the screenshot up above) so that it now just says “Jake Orion Topping” and “Jake Orion Bottoming”: Incredibly, Orion is keeping the scam running by still promising the gay sex tapes, and still taking people’s pre-order payments on his website (which is still up and running, and still advertising the sex tapes with payment links to Orion’s Venmo, CashApp, etc.).

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